(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 10.0' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 50191, 1961] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 40612, 1703] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 41129, 1723] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 41086, 1720] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Ficheiros", FontWeight->"Bold"], " *.nb (", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " notebook):\nConjunto de c\[EAcute]lulas de v\[AAcute]rios tipos" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Tipos de c\[EAcute]lulas", FontWeight->"Bold"], ":\n* ", StyleBox["input", FontWeight->"Bold"], "\n* ", StyleBox["output", FontWeight->"Bold"], "\n* gr\[AAcute]ficos\n* texto, etc." }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["C\[EAcute]lulas de input", FontWeight->"Bold"], ": podem ser avaliadas\n", StyleBox["C\[EAcute]lulas de output", FontWeight->"Bold"], ": normalmente s\[ATilde]o produzidas pela avalia\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o de c\ \[EAcute]lulas de input" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Quando se come\[CCedilla]a a escrever, o ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " assume autom\[AAcute]ticamente que se vai criar um ", StyleBox["input", FontWeight->"Bold"], " e cria uma c\[EAcute]lula desse tipo." }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Para avaliar uma c\[EAcute]lula de input, carregar ", StyleBox["Shift+Enter", FontWeight->"Bold"], " com o cursor na c\[EAcute]lula ou com a c\[EAcute]lula selecionada.\n\ \[CapitalEAcute] poss\[IAcute]vel seleccionar mais do que uma c\[EAcute]lula \ simult\[AHat]neamente." }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["\<\ Exemplo de uma c\[EAcute]lula de input que ao ser avaliada produz uma c\ \[EAcute]lula de output:\ \>", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"2", "+", "2"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["\<\ Exemplo de uma c\[EAcute]lula de input que ao ser avaliada cria uma \ c\[EAcute]lula de gr\[AAcute]ficos e uma c\[EAcute]lula de output\ \>", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Plot", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Sin", "[", "t", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"t", ",", RowBox[{"-", "Pi"}], ",", "Pi"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["\<\ O output assinalado por \".Graphics.\" cont\[EAcute]m a informa\[CCedilla]\ \[ATilde]o para desenhar o gr\[AAcute]fico tal como se v\[EHat] acima\ \>", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Show", "[", RowBox[{"Out", "[", "2", "]"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "As ", StyleBox["c\[EAcute]lulas de texto", FontWeight->"Bold"], " n\[ATilde]o s\[ATilde]o avaliadas mas s\[ATilde]o \[UAcute]teis para v\ \[AAcute]rios fins:\n* Produzir textos, relat\[OAcute]rios, etc, combinando \ elementos \"matem\[AAcute]ticos\" com explica\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es, t\ \[IAcute]tulos, etc..\n* Introduzir coment\[AAcute]rios num ficheiro *.nb \ puramente matem\[AAcute]tico, para o tornar mais intelig\[IAcute]vel\nExemplo:" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["A sucess\[ATilde]o x(i+1)=f(x(i),a) converge para raiz de a:", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"f", "[", RowBox[{"x_", ",", "a_"}], "]"}], "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"a", "+", RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}]}], ")"}], "/", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"2", "x"}], ")"}]}]}], ";"}]], "Input", FontSize->14] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "C\[EAcute]lulas de texto s\[ATilde]o produzidas carregando ", StyleBox["Alt+7", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "O tipo de uma determinada c\[EAcute]lula pode ser modificado \ atrav\[EAcute]s do menu ", StyleBox["Format -> Style", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["\<\ Cada tipo de c\[EAcute]lulas tem propriedades espec\[IAcute]ficas que podem \ ser alteradas\ \>", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["\<\ As c\[EAcute]lulas podem ser apresentadas com diferentes aspectos que podem \ ser modificados atrav\[EAcute]s dos menus Cell->Default Input Format Type, Cell->Default Ouput Format Type, etc.\ \>", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Eu prefiro as op\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es\nDefault Input Format Type = \ StandardForm : d\[AAcute] um controlo exacto daquilo que se quer que o ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " fa\[CCedilla]a\nDefault Ouput Format Type = TraditionalForm : permite ler \ os outputs na nota\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o matem\[AAcute]tica habitual" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["Exemplo:", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Integrate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"f", "[", "x", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"x", ",", "a", ",", "b"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["HELP", FontWeight->"Bold"], " do ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], ":\nPara aceder ao Help, carregar ", StyleBox["F1", FontWeight->"Bold"], "." }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "O Help est\[AAcute] organizado em v\[AAcute]rias categorias. As mais \ importantes s\[ATilde]o:\n", StyleBox["Built-in functions", FontWeight->"Bold"], ": Explica o uso das fun\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es nativas do ", StyleBox["Mathematica\n", FontSlant->"Italic"], StyleBox["The Mathematica Book", FontWeight->"Bold"], ": Manual em formato electr\[OAcute]nico." }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Para aceder directamente \[AGrave] informa\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o relativa a \ qualquer objecto presente no notebook basta seleccionar o objecto ", StyleBox["antes", FontWeight->"Bold"], " de carregar F1" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["\<\ Exemplo: ao escrever um input com a fun\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o Sum surge uma d\ \[UAcute]vida sobre a sua sintaxe\ \>", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Exemplo: o ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " devolve um output cujo significado n\[ATilde]o entendemos:" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Integrate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Exp", "[", RowBox[{"-", RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"x", ",", "a", ",", "b"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Capacidades do ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], ":\n* C\[AAcute]lculo num\[EAcute]rico\n* C\[AAcute]lculo simb\[OAcute]lico\n\ * Gr\[AAcute]ficos, sons, etc" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["C\[CapitalAAcute]LCULO SIMB\[CapitalOAcute]LICO:", "Text", FontSize->14, FontWeight->"Bold"], Cell[TextData[{ "\[CapitalEAcute] baseado na manipula\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o de ", StyleBox["s\[IAcute]mbolos", FontSlant->"Italic"], " segundo regras bem definidas.\n", "Exemplo:" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"6", "+", "x", "-", RowBox[{"2", "x"}], "+", "1", "+", "y"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Os s\[IAcute]mbolos s\[ATilde]o caracterizados por um ", StyleBox["nome", FontWeight->"Bold"], " (sequ\[EHat]ncia de caracteres)" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Existem ", StyleBox["conven\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es", FontWeight->"Bold"], " na atribui\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o de nomes a s\[IAcute]mbolos. \nEstas \ conven\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es n\[ATilde]o s\[ATilde]o obrigat\[OAcute]rias \ (i.e., o seu desrespeito n\[ATilde]o provoca autom\[AAcute]ticamente uma \ situa\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o de erro) mas \[EAcute] mais f\[AAcute]cil escrever \ ficheiros sem erros respeitando as conven\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es." }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Principais conven\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es:\n* ", StyleBox["s\[IAcute]mbolos definidos pelo utilizador", FontWeight->"Bold"], " come\[CCedilla]am por letra min\[UAcute]scula\n* ", StyleBox["s\[IAcute]mbolos pr\[EAcute]definidos", FontWeight->"Bold"], " come\[CCedilla]am por letra mai\[UAcute]scula\n*", StyleBox[" vari\[AAcute]veis globais", FontWeight->"Bold"], " ou de sistema come\[CCedilla]am por ", StyleBox["$", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["Exemplos:", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Sin", "[", "x", "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData["$RecursionLimit"], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "C\[AAcute]lculos simb\[OAcute]licos s\[ATilde]o sempre ", StyleBox["exactos", FontWeight->"Bold"], ":" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"2", "/", "6"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Para obter um valor num\[EAcute]rico (aproximado ) de 1/3 \[EAcute] necess\ \[AAcute]rio proceder \[AGrave] sua ", StyleBox["avalia\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o num\[EAcute]rica", FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"%", " ", "//", "N"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "S\[IAcute]mbolos podem ser ", StyleBox["substitu\[IAcute]dos", FontWeight->"Bold"], " por valores concretos ou por outros s\[IAcute]mbolos\nExemplos:" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+", RowBox[{"2", "x", "*", "y"}], "+", RowBox[{"y", "^", "2"}]}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+", RowBox[{"2", "x", "*", "y"}], "+", RowBox[{"y", "^", "2"}]}], "/.", RowBox[{"x", "\[Rule]", "1"}]}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+", RowBox[{"2", "x", "*", "y"}], "+", RowBox[{"y", "^", "2"}]}], "/.", RowBox[{"x", "\[Rule]", "y"}]}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Aos s\[IAcute]mbolos podem ser ", StyleBox["atribu\[IAcute]dos", FontWeight->"Bold"], " valores\nSe um s\[IAcute]mbolo tem um valor atribu\[IAcute]do, ele ser\ \[AAcute] substituido pelo seu valor em todos os c\[AAcute]lculos simb\ \[OAcute]licos\no valor atribu\[IAcute]do a um s\[IAcute]mbolo pode ser outro \ s\[IAcute]mbolo ou uma express\[ATilde]o\nExemplos:" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"x", "=", "2"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+", RowBox[{"2", "x", "*", "y"}], "+", RowBox[{"y", "^", "2"}]}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"x", "=", RowBox[{"z", "+", "1"}]}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+", RowBox[{"2", "x", "*", "y"}], "+", RowBox[{"y", "^", "2"}]}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["\<\ Para remover todos os valores atribuidos a um simbolo, usar Clear[symbol] ou \ symbol=. Exemplo:\ \>", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Clear", "[", "x", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+", RowBox[{"2", "x", "*", "y"}], "+", RowBox[{"y", "^", "2"}]}]}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "=."}], ";", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+", RowBox[{"2", "x", "*", "y"}], "+", RowBox[{"y", "^", "2"}]}]}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Quando se avalia uma c\[EAcute]lula que cont\[EAcute]m um s\[IAcute]mbolo \ at\[EAcute] a\[IAcute] inexistente, o ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " cria autom\[AAcute]ticamente o s\[IAcute]mbolo indicado, mesmo que n\ \[ATilde]o lhe seja atribu\[IAcute]do nenhum valor.\nExemplo:" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"x", "+", "1"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["\<\ A fun\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o Clear ou =. n\[ATilde]o destr\[OAcute]i os s\ \[IAcute]mbolos (apenas destr\[OAcute]i as atribui\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es que \ lhes foram feitas). Para destruir um s\[IAcute]mbolo \[EAcute] \ necess\[AAcute]rio usar Remove[symbol]\ \>", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Remove", "[", "x", "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "O ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " disp\[OTilde]e de v\[AAcute]rias fun\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es para ", StyleBox["manipular express\[OTilde]es simb\[OAcute]licas", FontWeight->"Bold"], "\nExemplos" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+", RowBox[{"2", "x"}], "+", "1"}], ")"}], "/", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"1", "-", RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}]}], ")"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Expand", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"x", "-", "1"}], ")"}], "^", "3"}], RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"x", "+", "2"}], ")"}], "^", "2"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Para outras fun\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es que manipulam express\ \[OTilde]es simb\[OAcute]licas, ver no Help (Built-in Functions) \n", FontSize->14], StyleBox["Algebraic Computation > Formula Manipulation", FontSize->14, FontWeight->"Bold"] }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["\<\ H\[AAcute] s\[IAcute]mbolos pr\[EAcute]definidos que t\[EHat]m \ atribu\[IAcute]dos os valores de certas constantes importantes\ \>", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData["E"], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData["Pi"], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData["I"], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData["Infinity"], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "Al\[EAcute]m das fun\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es alg\[EAcute]bricas (+, -, *, /), \ o ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " inclui v\[AAcute]rias fun\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es matem\[AAcute]ticas pr\ \[EAcute]definidas que podem ser usadas tanto em c\[AAcute]lculo \ num\[EAcute]rico como em c\[AAcute]lculo simb\[OAcute]lico:" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["Sqrt[x] : Ra\[IAcute]z quadrada", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Sqrt", "[", "4", "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["Exp[x] : Exponencial", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Exp", "[", "x", "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["Log[x] : Logaritmo natural", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Log", "[", "E", "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["Log[b,x]:Logaritmo de x na base b", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Log", "[", RowBox[{"2", ",", "8"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Log", "[", RowBox[{"2", ",", "9"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["Sin[x]; Cos[x], Tan[x]: fun\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es \ trigonom\[EAcute]tricas", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Sin", "[", "Pi", "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["\<\ ArcSin[x], ArcCos[x], ArcTan[x]: fun\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es \ trigonom\[EAcute]tricas inversas\ \>", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"ArcSin", "[", "1", "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["n! : factorial", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"5", "!"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[StyleBox["OPERA\[CapitalCCedilla]\[CapitalOTilde]ES MATEM\ \[CapitalAAcute]TICAS EM CALCULO SIMB\[CapitalOAcute]LICO", FontWeight->"Bold"]], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[StyleBox["Deriva\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o", FontWeight->"Bold"]], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["Derivadas parciais:", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"D", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], " ", RowBox[{"Log", "[", RowBox[{"x", "+", "y"}], "]"}]}], ",", "x"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"D", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], " ", RowBox[{"Log", "[", RowBox[{"x", "+", "y"}], "]"}]}], ",", "y"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["Derivadas parciais de ordem superior", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"D", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], " ", RowBox[{"Log", "[", RowBox[{"x", "+", "y"}], "]"}]}], ",", "x", ",", "y"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"D", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], " ", RowBox[{"Log", "[", RowBox[{"x", "+", "y"}], "]"}]}], ",", "x", ",", "y", ",", "x", ",", "x"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[StyleBox["Integra\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o e primitiva\[CCedilla]\ \[ATilde]o", FontWeight->"Bold"]], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["Primitiva\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Integrate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], RowBox[{"Sin", "[", "y", "]"}]}], ",", "x"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["Integra\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Integrate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], RowBox[{"Sin", "[", "y", "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"x", ",", "a", ",", "b"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "O ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " consegue calcular integrais com alguma complexidade ..." }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Integrate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Log", "[", "t", "]"}], "^", "2"}], RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"1", "+", RowBox[{"t", "^", "2"}]}], ")"}], "/", "t"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"t", ",", "1", ",", "x"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["... Mas n\[ATilde]o todos", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Integrate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Sin", "[", RowBox[{"Sin", "[", "x", "]"}], "]"}], ",", "x"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[StyleBox["Somat\[OAcute]rios", FontWeight->"Bold"]], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Sum", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "+", "i"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"i", ",", "5"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[StyleBox["Produtos", FontWeight->"Bold"]], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Product", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"x", "+", "i"}], ")"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"i", ",", "4"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[StyleBox["RELA\[CapitalCCedilla]\[CapitalOTilde]ES ", FontWeight->"Bold"]], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["x==y: igual", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"1", "\[Equal]", "1"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"1", "\[Equal]", "2"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"x", "\[Equal]", "y"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["x != y diferente", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"1", "\[NotEqual]", "1"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"x", "\[NotEqual]", "y"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["x>y maior", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"1", ">", "2"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["x>=y maior ou igual", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"1", "\[GreaterEqual]", "1"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[StyleBox["EQUA\[CapitalCCedilla]\[CapitalOTilde]ES", FontWeight->"Bold"]], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "O ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " pode resolver simb\[OAcute]licamente algumas equa\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+", RowBox[{"a", "*", "x"}], "-", "1"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", "x"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["Para obter o vector de solu\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es, fazer x/. \ solutions", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"x", "/.", " ", "%"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["\<\ Para obter os valores de uma express\[ATilde]o quando x toma como valores as \ solu\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es da equa\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o, fazer expr /. \ solutions\ \>", "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Sin", "[", "x", "]"}], "/.", "%%"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[StyleBox["Quando o lado esquerdo da equa\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o \ \[EAcute] um polin\[OAcute]mio de grau elevado, a solu\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o \ pode ser dada apenas de forma impl\[IAcute]cita", FontSize->14]], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "6"}], "+", "x", "-", "1"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", "x"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[{ "O ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " resolve equa\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es algebricas" }], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+", "1"}], ")"}], "/", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "3"}], "+", RowBox[{"2", "x"}]}], ")"}]}], "\[Equal]", RowBox[{"x", "+", "1"}]}], ",", "x"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Sqrt", "[", RowBox[{"x", "+", "1"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "-", "1"}], ")"}]}], ",", "x"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell["Mas n\[ATilde]o resolve equa\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es transcendentes", \ "Text", FontSize->14], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}], "+", RowBox[{"Sin", "[", "x", "]"}]}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], ",", "x"}], "]"}]], "Input", FontSize->14], Cell[TextData[StyleBox["FUN\[CapitalCCedilla]\[CapitalOTilde]ES", FontWeight->"Bold"]], "Text", FontSize->14], Cell["Definir fun\[CCedilla]\[OTilde]es", "Text", 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157, 130, 4, 34, "Text"], Cell[4202, 163, 232, 6, 74, "Text"], Cell[4437, 171, 385, 8, 74, "Text"], Cell[4825, 181, 39, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[4867, 184, 188, 6, 30, "Input"], Cell[5058, 192, 223, 11, 56, "Text"], Cell[5284, 205, 413, 12, 76, "Text"], Cell[5700, 219, 251, 7, 55, "Text"], Cell[5954, 228, 150, 4, 34, "Text"], Cell[6107, 234, 170, 6, 34, "Text"], Cell[6280, 242, 236, 8, 30, "Input"], Cell[6519, 252, 222, 7, 94, "Text"], Cell[6744, 261, 100, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[6847, 265, 211, 7, 54, "Text"], Cell[7061, 274, 112, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[7176, 279, 178, 6, 35, "Text"], Cell[7357, 287, 491, 10, 75, "Text"], Cell[7851, 299, 495, 14, 97, "Text"], Cell[8349, 315, 40, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[8392, 318, 71, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[8466, 322, 56, 1, 30, "Input"], Cell[8525, 325, 151, 6, 35, "Text"], Cell[8679, 333, 64, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[8746, 337, 239, 6, 35, "Text"], Cell[8988, 345, 70, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[9061, 349, 199, 6, 55, "Text"], Cell[9263, 357, 148, 5, 30, "Input"], Cell[9414, 364, 204, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[9621, 373, 204, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[9828, 382, 413, 9, 95, "Text"], Cell[10244, 393, 64, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[10311, 397, 148, 5, 30, "Input"], Cell[10462, 404, 87, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[10552, 409, 148, 5, 30, "Input"], Cell[10703, 416, 135, 5, 54, "Text"], Cell[10841, 423, 206, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[11050, 432, 193, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[11246, 441, 346, 8, 74, "Text"], Cell[11595, 451, 64, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[11662, 455, 294, 6, 54, "Text"], Cell[11959, 463, 74, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[12036, 467, 266, 9, 55, "Text"], Cell[12305, 478, 280, 10, 30, "Input"], Cell[12588, 490, 242, 9, 30, "Input"], Cell[12833, 501, 297, 8, 55, "Text"], Cell[13133, 511, 166, 4, 34, "Text"], Cell[13302, 517, 42, 1, 30, "Input"], Cell[13347, 520, 43, 1, 30, "Input"], Cell[13393, 523, 42, 1, 30, "Input"], Cell[13438, 526, 49, 1, 30, "Input"], Cell[13490, 529, 379, 9, 54, "Text"], Cell[13872, 540, 62, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[13937, 543, 72, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[14012, 547, 51, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[14066, 550, 71, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[14140, 554, 57, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[14200, 557, 71, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[14274, 561, 64, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[14341, 564, 94, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[14438, 569, 94, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[14535, 574, 106, 2, 34, "Text"], Cell[14644, 578, 72, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[14719, 582, 132, 4, 34, "Text"], Cell[14854, 588, 74, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[14931, 592, 45, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[14979, 595, 59, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[15041, 599, 178, 3, 35, "Text"], Cell[15222, 604, 99, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[15324, 608, 50, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[15377, 611, 199, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[15579, 620, 199, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[15781, 629, 67, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[15851, 632, 209, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[16063, 641, 233, 8, 30, "Input"], Cell[16299, 651, 135, 3, 35, "Text"], Cell[16437, 656, 61, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[16501, 659, 176, 6, 30, "Input"], Cell[16680, 667, 59, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[16742, 670, 235, 8, 30, "Input"], Cell[16980, 680, 158, 6, 34, "Text"], Cell[17141, 688, 342, 12, 30, "Input"], Cell[17486, 702, 56, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[17545, 705, 163, 5, 30, "Input"], Cell[17711, 712, 90, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[17804, 716, 167, 6, 30, "Input"], Cell[17974, 724, 80, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[18057, 728, 196, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[18256, 737, 113, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[18372, 741, 42, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[18417, 744, 71, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[18491, 748, 71, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[18565, 752, 71, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[18639, 756, 47, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[18689, 759, 74, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[18766, 763, 74, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[18843, 767, 40, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[18886, 770, 64, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[18953, 774, 50, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[19006, 777, 78, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[19087, 781, 112, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[19202, 785, 174, 6, 34, "Text"], Cell[19379, 793, 217, 8, 30, "Input"], Cell[19599, 803, 103, 2, 34, "Text"], Cell[19705, 807, 70, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[19778, 811, 200, 5, 34, "Text"], Cell[19981, 818, 96, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[20080, 823, 245, 4, 34, "Text"], Cell[20328, 829, 192, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[20523, 838, 148, 6, 34, "Text"], Cell[20674, 846, 362, 13, 30, "Input"], Cell[21039, 861, 267, 10, 30, "Input"], Cell[21309, 873, 98, 2, 34, "Text"], Cell[21410, 877, 214, 8, 30, "Input"], Cell[21627, 887, 111, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[21741, 891, 64, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[21808, 894, 69, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[21880, 897, 140, 5, 30, "Input"], Cell[22023, 904, 69, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[22095, 908, 99, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[22197, 913, 122, 2, 34, "Text"], Cell[22322, 917, 92, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[22417, 922, 189, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[22609, 931, 69, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[22681, 935, 92, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[22776, 940, 119, 2, 34, "Text"], Cell[22898, 944, 59, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[22960, 948, 69, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[23032, 951, 92, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[23127, 956, 170, 6, 30, "Input"], Cell[23300, 964, 171, 6, 30, "Input"], Cell[23474, 972, 69, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[23546, 976, 92, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[23641, 981, 71, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[23715, 985, 185, 6, 55, "Text"], Cell[23903, 993, 245, 6, 74, "Text"], Cell[24151, 1001, 161, 5, 30, "Input"], Cell[24315, 1008, 253, 8, 30, "Input"], Cell[24571, 1018, 235, 9, 30, "Input"], Cell[24809, 1029, 200, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[25012, 1038, 139, 4, 34, "Text"], Cell[25154, 1044, 64, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[25221, 1048, 64, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[25288, 1052, 64, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[25355, 1056, 110, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[25468, 1060, 61, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[25532, 1063, 77, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[25612, 1067, 45, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[25660, 1070, 75, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[25738, 1074, 64, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[25805, 1078, 43, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[25851, 1081, 71, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[25925, 1085, 110, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[26038, 1089, 247, 9, 30, "Input"], Cell[26288, 1100, 273, 9, 30, "Input"], Cell[26564, 1111, 256, 9, 30, "Input"], Cell[26823, 1122, 124, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[26950, 1126, 50, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[27003, 1129, 92, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[27098, 1134, 54, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[27155, 1137, 141, 5, 30, "Input"], Cell[27299, 1144, 218, 8, 30, "Input"], Cell[27520, 1154, 106, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[27629, 1159, 89, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[27721, 1163, 244, 7, 54, "Text"], Cell[27968, 1172, 295, 14, 34, "Text"], Cell[28266, 1188, 295, 10, 30, "Input"], Cell[28564, 1200, 488, 19, 35, "Text"], Cell[29055, 1221, 361, 13, 30, "Input"], Cell[29419, 1236, 425, 18, 35, "Text"], Cell[29847, 1256, 229, 8, 30, "Input"], Cell[30079, 1266, 343, 12, 30, "Input"], Cell[30425, 1280, 701, 34, 56, "Text"], Cell[31129, 1316, 397, 14, 30, "Input"], Cell[31529, 1332, 103, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[31635, 1336, 363, 9, 56, "Text"], Cell[32001, 1347, 64, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[32068, 1351, 613, 21, 30, "Input"], Cell[32684, 1374, 72, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[32759, 1378, 42, 1, 30, "Input"], Cell[32804, 1381, 73, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[32880, 1385, 99, 2, 35, "Text"], Cell[32982, 1389, 179, 4, 34, "Text"], Cell[33164, 1395, 73, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[33240, 1398, 42, 1, 30, "Input"], Cell[33285, 1401, 89, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[33377, 1404, 43, 1, 30, "Input"], Cell[33423, 1407, 88, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[33514, 1410, 68, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[33585, 1414, 41, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[33629, 1417, 45, 1, 30, "Input"], Cell[33677, 1420, 206, 5, 34, "Text"], Cell[33886, 1427, 72, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[33961, 1431, 71, 2, 30, "Input"], Cell[34035, 1435, 398, 14, 70, "Input"], Cell[34436, 1451, 183, 4, 34, "Text"], Cell[34622, 1457, 99, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[34724, 1462, 100, 3, 30, "Input"], Cell[34827, 1467, 197, 7, 34, "Text"], Cell[35027, 1476, 124, 4, 30, "Input"], Cell[35154, 1482, 105, 2, 34, "Text"], Cell[35262, 1486, 215, 6, 34, "Text"], Cell[35480, 1494, 218, 8, 30, "Input"], Cell[35701, 1504, 178, 6, 30, "Input"], Cell[35882, 1512, 286, 8, 55, "Text"], Cell[36171, 1522, 219, 8, 30, "Input"], Cell[36393, 1532, 179, 6, 30, "Input"], Cell[36575, 1540, 241, 7, 35, "Text"], Cell[36819, 1549, 251, 9, 30, "Input"], Cell[37073, 1560, 230, 8, 30, "Input"], Cell[37306, 1570, 267, 9, 30, "Input"], Cell[37576, 1581, 288, 10, 30, "Input"], Cell[37867, 1593, 235, 7, 35, "Text"], Cell[38105, 1602, 269, 9, 30, "Input"], Cell[38377, 1613, 172, 6, 30, "Input"], Cell[38552, 1621, 266, 9, 30, "Input"], Cell[38821, 1632, 266, 9, 30, "Input"], Cell[39090, 1643, 172, 6, 30, "Input"], Cell[39265, 1651, 76, 1, 34, "Text"], Cell[39344, 1654, 268, 7, 34, "Text"], Cell[39615, 1663, 222, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[39840, 1672, 269, 9, 30, "Input"], Cell[40112, 1683, 223, 7, 30, "Input"], Cell[40338, 1692, 270, 9, 30, "Input"] } ] *) (* End of internal cache information *)